Frequently asked questions about TankSentinel™

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Aside from providing up to date level information, what are other things TankSentinel™ do for me?
Just by monitoring the levels in a tank it is possible to discover operational status of wells. If the level remains static it is likely the well is not in production. This allows the oil producer to judge the operational status of wells without the need to physically observe the well in the field.

TankSentinel also provides a series on alerts about the tanks. High Level, Critical Level, Leak Detected and Low Level are all alerts that can indicate a range of problems and save the loss of many barrels in the field.

Can I move my TankSentinel™ unit once it is deployed?
Yes. The TankSentinel™ monitoring unit can be moved to another tank and reinstalled. Using a simple online process the unit can be updated to send tank specific information about each specific tank location.
Is it possible to lease a TankSentinel™ unit?
Yes. TankSentinel™ has a wide variety of leasing options to suit almost any situation. Contact us for more details.
Can I control who sees my tank information?
Yes. You are in control of who is able to access your monitoring data so that only the appropriate individuals in your operation can securely see the information they need to perform their respective jobs efficiently.

Tank Sentinel Remote Wireless Tank Monitoring and Gauging System Oil and Gas Industry